Why Join PRA

In our PRA online library, you will have access to all documents and contract forms. Video training and instructions to complete tasks and transactions, schedules of events, various marketing tools and everything else you need.

Google Tools

We provide all transaction management with ease using smart Google Applications

Fix First, Sell more, Pay Later

This program will help you get more listings. Helps seller make significantly more money on the sale of their home without the hassle or upfront costs. Home improvement companies that partners with REALTORS® and their clients get homes ready for the market with deferred payment on every project (zero interest or fees).

Advertise Your Listings

With ADWERX, PRA and Company Realtors helps agents increase productivity, client retention, and stay top-of-mind with the people who matter most to their business.

Real Estate Leads

A pioneer in lead generation and contact management systems, Market Leader has been helping real estate professionals manage and grow their businesses since 1999. Market Leader mission is to make life-long customers through outstanding products, leads, education, and customer support.

Build Your Brand

When you join, you gain access to all of our resources. From learning how to talk to clients to learning how to build your brand awareness on social media, we have everything you need to scale your business and make 6-Figures. Here in the Successful Business Academy, we strive at helping our clients reach their goals of scaling their business and retaining high ticket clients. No more going months without a sale/extra income.

Targeted Lead Generation

When you join, you gain access to all of our resources. From learning how to talk to clients to learning how to build your brand awareness on social media, we have everything you need to scale your business and make 6-Figures. Here in the Successful Business Academy, we strive at helping our clients reach their goals of scaling their business and retaining high ticket clients. No more going months without a sale/extra income.

Your Access to Shop PRA

More than 80% of Realtors just like you and me, FAIL to acknowledge this simple way of gaining more business quickly. With your access to Shop PRA, immediately order and receive all you need to build your brand, get gifts for clients and spheres creating memorable moments. So your clients come running back to you for ALL of their real estate needs.

As a real estate agent beginner, these are the things you MUST do to be successful. A Step-by-Step Guide to Build & Scale a Successful Real Estate Business.

Grow your Real Estate business in 7 days with FREE daily instruction from a 7-Figure Real Estate coach.

Are you a Realtor or Real Estate Agent who wants to generate more buyers and sellers, but you don't know where to start or what it really takes to scale your business to the next level?

Am I Ready?

Take this simple test to see if you are ready to become a realtor in today’s market we will go over your answers together and support your decisions: